Can sipping on soup help you to lose weight? Read on to find out what science has to say about it (and my 3 favorite weight-loss friendly recipes!).
Soup & Easy Weight Loss
This blog post was inspired by a gal I was watching on Instagram stories. She talked about a whole month where she craved only soup (I guess it was cold?). Anyway, after one month of eating soup for lunch (and sometimes dinner) she had inadvertently lost weight. How awesome is that?
Soup + Gut Health
Soup is rarely an unhealthy choice. Most soups (and all the recipes on this site) are filled with wholesome ingredients - mostly veggies, water and the odd dash of protein. There's also lots of healthy spices that reduce inflammation, like turmeric.
But the other huge benefit of eating soup is the broth it comes in. Bone broth, the healing elixir we hear so much about today, is simply soup stock. It's amazing for gut health, and when your gut is healthy, your body is more optimized for weight loss.
So, can you lose weight eating soup?
Well, if those soups contain healthy broths, lots of veggies and clean protein (as my recipes do) then yes! You can lose weight eating soup as long as it's in place of less healthier food choices. In fact, studies have shown that people feel more full after eating smooth soup (think creamy cauliflower soup) than chunky soups or even a full meal! The idea here is to get the stomach feeling full-up at the beginning of a meal so that you're inclined to eat less overall.
I think the key takeaway here is that consuming more water and veggies is definitely good for losing weight, and what better way to do that then to make them into a bowl of soup?
3 Soup Recipes for Weight Loss (my favorites)
Creamy Carrot Soup with Crispy Tofu
Enjoy the soups! If you make any of them, please drop me a comment and let me know!

Caren is a certified yoga teacher, fitness instructor and ADHD Coach. As the founder of The Fit Habit, she shares ADHD-friendly self-care, food & fitness inspiration, along with practical ways to foster mind + body wellness.
The cream of broccoli looks delicious!