Curious how to workout from home and actually see results? I started buying fitness DVDs in the early 2000s and I’ve never looked back. In fact, I trained for my bikini competition working out almost exclusively from home and my results were pretty awesome.
But can you really workout from home and get results?
Based on the picture I just shared - I’d say yes. It’s absolutely possible to workout from home and get shredded abs, lean legs and strong arms. However, even the best fitness plan won’t change your body if you don’t work at it consistently.
It doesn’t matter which fitness program you chose, your results depend on how consistently you show up and the level of energy you devote to it. No matter how perfectly designed your program is, it’s useless if you don’t do it.
A home gym can give you the same experience as a public gym, but without all the crowds, commutes and grossness that you can only get from a big box gym. You don’t need a ton of fancy equipment. In fact, many great workouts can be done with no equipment at all.
The truth is, you can spend thousands of dollars on treadmills, Pelotons and Bowflex machines, but if you never use them, they will only take up precious space. They’re also VERY HARD to get rid of and expensive to fix.
Most of the workouts I do require just a couple of free weights, a workout band and maybe a set of sliders. Nothing complicated or expensive and it’s easy to travel with.
Related: 7 free workouts you can do from home (and see results).
Chose a workout you enjoy (and that you're physically capable of doing)
This is the most important thing! If you hate running, don't sign up for a marathon and assume you'll just white-knuckle your way through it. That's the WORST way to create a fit habit. Instead, you want to find something that:
- Isn't boring to you
- Isn't beyond your current physical limits
- Isn't longer than 30 minutes
Finding a workout that's interesting to you will help keep you consistent. If you love to dance, try a hip hop dance workout like Cize. If you love 80's style aerobics like I do, then try something like Turbo Jam or Transform 20 (a step aerobics program). If you love lifting weights, try a weight lifting program like 80 Day Obsession or Body Beast.
Fortunately, all of the program I mentioned can be accessed on an online platform that you can stream from your iphone, iPad or computer. It's set up like netflix, so if you don't like one program, you just move on to the next one.
Quicker and faster workouts are typically better for beginners
Shorter workouts are better when you're starting to workout at home because there will be days you'll try to convince yourself you're too busy. Instead, if you find something that's 30 minutes or less (I have a great workout that's only 20 minutes), then you're less likely to bail because it's not a big time suck.
The other reason I want you to find short workouts is that working out from home can be distracting. Imagine trying to get through an hour long workout if your washing machine is buzzing, your kids are screaming and your dog keeps dropping a ball at your feet.
If you're easily distracted - look for fast and furious over long and meandering, like this one below.
Workout first thing in the morning.
This goes for anyone starting a fitness routine, or anyone who struggles to stay consistent. If you get it out of the way first thing, no matter what the day might bring, you’ve got your workout done.
There’s a growing amount of evidence that working out first thing in the morning can also increase longevity and improve brain function, productivity and mood. So why not just roll out of bed and head to your home gym before you’re even awake enough to understand what’s happening?
Morning Meltdown is a 100-day program designed for getting your workout in first thing. It's one of my favorites as it's all done to live music and it's very inspiring. You can actually try a sample workout from this program below:
Listen or watch something that inspires you while you workout
I love to listen to podcasts while I follow a workout to video. I keep the volume of the workout video on low and listen to my podcast on headphones. I find that this fills my brain with the topics I’m interested in while distracting me from the discomfort of what I’m doing. The only time I'm intently listening to the instructor is if I’m following difficult choreography or if I find the trainer very inspiring.
The bottom line on working out from home
- Keep it simple.
- Make it fun.
- Do it every day.
That will help you stay consistent and see results. If you want some ideas on the best home workouts for losing weight or building muscle, I’ve got plenty of suggestions to get you started.
The one thing thing you can’t overlook.
If you’re overweight and you want results, you have to change the way you eat. Bottom line. No matter what workout you chose and no matter how much consistent effort you put into it, you will never see dramatic results without cleaning up your diet. That doesn’t mean you have to restrict calories, but you do have to reprioritize the way you eat.
Personally, I enjoy counting macros and intermittent fasting, but those are advanced strategies that are not easy for beginners.
If you want a simple method for improving nutrition, hands down, this program will give you the support you need. It’s designed by a registered dietitian who has lost 100lbs of her own. I have gone through the program (and coached others going through it) and it’s the most sustainable program I’ve ever come across.
Here's a short clip (below) that describes the 2B Mindset program in detail.
Want help with your weight loss journey?
If you have tried and failed again and again, it doesn't matter. You can still get results. Most people fail because they don’t believe in themselves or they haven’t committed to a plan and a routine that will give them results. If that sounds like you, then I can help you:
- Get past your own limiting beliefs (we all have them).
- Find the right path to success.
- Keep you accountable to stick with it.
Transformation happens when you’re ready to invest the time, energy and resources it requires to make lasting change.
Are you there yet?
If so, let’s chat. Drop your details below to contact me. If you’re still on the fence, you can learn more here.

Caren is a certified yoga teacher, fitness instructor and ADHD Coach. As the founder of The Fit Habit, she shares ADHD-friendly self-care, food & fitness inspiration, along with practical ways to foster mind + body wellness.
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