Sharing my Barre Blend Results after 4 weeks on the program.
On Jan 4th I kicked off the first 4 weeks of this program with a group of women, most who are over 40 and starting a new program after a long period of not working out. Overall we've been impressed with the programming and surprised at how challenging it's been!!
At our 4 week check in, many of my challengers (including myself) had lost about 5 lbs, but that's been a combination of exersize and diet changes. Most women also reported feeling stronger and more capable of doing the moves, so if you're new to fitness and you're concerned that it might be too hard for you to do, don't be. The modifications in the workout make is super accessible to just about any fitness level.
Personally, I've felt a LOT stronger in my core - an area where I feel like I need the most work. My backside also feels a little tighter, although I can't confirm if that's a visible change or not. I'll be sharing my own before and after once I complete all 8 weeks of the program).
Read on to see my personal review of the workouts and answers to a few questions I've been getting.
Related: Should I do barre classes at home or in a studio? Which is better?
I thought it would be easier.
That’s coming from someone who has been working out for a long time. While I don’t consider myself an advanced athlete, I do think I have enough of a fitness background that I assumed these workouts would be easy-peasy, or at least, not that challenging. Truth is, some of them are pretty easy, but for the most part, I’ve had to modify at some point during each of them. Upper body strength is an area where I have the least power, so I’ve struggled with the push ups and arm workouts (even using 3lb weights!).
My lower body is my strongest area, so I’ve found the leg and butt workouts to be pretty reasonable. I think this is going to be different for everyone.
Your Flexibility will be Challenged - But it’s Not Yoga
I think some people shy away from yoga because they don’t think they’re flexible enough for it. This is counterproductive because the less flexible you are, the more you need it. However, I can understand how beginners might look at advanced yoga poses and think - nope, not gonna happen. Barre also challenges flexibility, but not in an intimidating way. There are no complex foot-behind-head poses. It’s more straightforward and geared toward balance and alignment.
You might still want to do cardio
For fitness enthusiasts who are looking for a heart-pumping workout, you’ll find glimpses of that in Barre Blend, but it’s not a traditional HIIT or Steady State cardio workout. If that’s something you need to feel like you’ve really pushed yourself (like I do), then I recommend adding 15 to 20 minutes of additional cardio to your workout program, at least 3 times per week. This will also help to accelerate fat loss.
You’re not going to grow your muscle mass doing Barre
Barre workouts are generally designed to create stronger, leaner muscles and tendons that will help you stand straighter and look tighter. If you're goal is to really build muscle (in a traditional bodybuilding context), then I don’t recommend this program. Body Beast or The Work will give you the muscle atrophy you’re looking for. This program will not.
Would I recommend Barre Blend?
Yes, if you're new or just getting back into a fitness routine. If you're someone who is really into getting a sweat on, then this might not be enough of a challenge for you. If you want a very challenging home workout recommendation, try 6 Weeks of The Work, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Insanity or Turbo Jam. All of those programs will leave you spent afterwards.
Barre Blend FAQ - Part 2
Now that I'm 4 weeks into the program, I can answer more questions about the workout based on personal experience. I answered many of your initial questions in my Barre Blend introductory post. If you have more questions, feel free to let me know!
Is Barre Blend Good for Losing Weight?
Barre Blend is great for helping you lose weight as long as you’re changing your diet as well. However, I don’t think any workout program is effective enough to help you lose significant weight if you continue to eat poorly. That said, if you’re currently not doing anything to move your body and you at least implement this program 5 days a week (and put effort into it), you will see some changes. You’ll be stronger and stand taller (because of the postural improvements that the workout provides), so you might appear leaner and may see some weight loss.
How to get the Best Weight Loss Results with Barre Blend
If you show up 5 days a week and complete all the prescribed workouts and change your diet - you will see great results. Barre Blend comes with nutrition guidelines, but my recommendation for folks who need a lot of support in this area is to do the program in conjunction with the 2B Mindset program. This is a monthly nutrition coaching plan that will help you reshape your body and your relationship with food. If you’re wiling to diy your nutrition, try counting macros or following a low carb meal plan. These approaches have been effective for me.
How heavy should your hand weights be?
I have been using 3lb weights with this program and they're plenty heavy for the upper body moves. When I'm holding weights for the lower body moves, sometimes I'll pick up 10 pound weights, but I have to drop them very quickly as it burns my legs out faster. Don't be fooled by the light weight requirement for this workout. You hold them up for a LONG time, so you will feel a burn. I recommend starting with a 2 - 3 pound set. If you're really daring, you can try 5lb, but you might regret it.
When will Barre Blend Be Coming to Beachbody on Demand?
Right now, Barre Blend is a premium workout that’s only available via a digital upgrade for people who already have a Beachbody On Demand membership. If you don’t want to pay for early access, you can wait for it to launch on June 1st. In my opinion, this workout is worth spending the few extra dollars on. It’s really good.
How to buy Barre Blend today?
If you don’t already have Beachbody On Demand, you can buy access right here.
Wanna see some cool Barre Blend Before and Afters?
Remember, results may vary from person to person, but I assure you, all of these women made positive changes to your diet in addition to kicking some ballet-inspired ass at Barre Blend.

Caren is a certified yoga teacher, fitness instructor and ADHD Coach. As the founder of The Fit Habit, she shares ADHD-friendly self-care, food & fitness inspiration, along with practical ways to foster mind + body wellness.
Nadia Sadiq
Barre Blend - have you finished the eight weeks now? Are you going to post an update on the results?
Heya, Nadia. I have finished and I will post a final update. Hang tight! 🙂
Yes! Check it out:
Jessica Berry
It seems like barre does a lot for your abdominals! I like that it doesn't make your legs grow in size and tightens your stomach. I will try it out!
here you go!
Hi- have you ever done PiYo? How do the two compare? Which program would you recommend for someone whose doctor told them to do a Pilates based workout? Thank you!
Hi Andrea,
I think both are ideal, but barre blend is a bit more core focused. I love them both.
April Sirota
Not really sure how you use 5 pounds and ten pound weights and don't feel you heart pumping. I would have to say you are not doing it correctly or maybe take many breaks.
Hi April,
Not sure where I mention that in this post. This workout definitely gets my heart pumping and I don't take breaks.
Just noticed you accidentally wrote atrophy in reference to what Body Beast and The Work will do to your muscles under the "you're not going to grow your muscle mass doing barre" header, when I'm sure you really meant to type hypertrophy! 🙂
good catch!
Julie Foster
When and how do you use the enhancement workouts? If I'm doing booty blend, do I do the booty blend enhancement or do I do a different enhancement? I haven't seen anything anywhere that mentions how to use these enhancements...
Hi Julie,
There's no defined way to use the enhancements. It's something you can add onto an existing barre class or, if you're doing another program and want to add some barre to it as well. Use them as you're inspired to!