Hey there, guys!
This post isn't for everybody. I get a ton of questions about my experience with Beachbody coaching, so this post is dedicated to answers. If this is something you're curious about, read on! If you have no interest in home fitness programs or entrepreneurship, then just skip this one. I'll be back next week with more food and fitness inspiration 🙂
Do you recommend Shakeology?
There are so many supplements, diet pills and quick fixes on the market these days, it can be hard to trust any of them. I believe the most important path to health and wellness is through daily movement and good ol fashion real food. It’s that simple.
That said, I do think there’s a place for supplements, if you’re the type of person who simply won’t take the time and effort to prepare your own food, either because you lack the time or discipline. If that’s you - supplements (the right ones) can help.
I believe Shakeology is one of the better supplements on the market, because it’s pure superfoods. There are no artificial colors or flavors. It’s not just a protein shake - it’s a full meal replacement with 7 servings of fruit and veggies in each shake. Want to know why it’s my favorite? Check out this ingredient label….
To be clear, I think that real food beats supplements every single time, but if you’re not making the time in your day to create healthy meals, this is a solid solution. Shakeology is an investment, but your health isn’t something to nickel and dime. Neither is the way you feel about yourself! Shakeology and Energize are two of the supplements I have no problem recommending, because they’re made with quality ingredients and they do what they promise.
What's your take on Beachbody On Demand?
OMG, I could go on and on about how Beachbody on Demand has been a total game-changer for me. Beachbody workouts are cutting edge and industry leading. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their workouts and I 400% think you will love them too. The best part about recommending Beachbody on Demand to my readers is that they back their workouts with a 100% guarantee for 30 days (same with Shakeology). If you don’t like it - you get your $$ back. No questions asked.
What's it like being a part of Team Beachbody?
Being a part of Team Beachbody has enabled me to meet some of the most amazing women who I would never have met otherwise. The company attracts people who want more for themselves and have a passion and desire for personal growth. You don’t have to be a total fitness-nut to join. Many people come into the business with lots of weight to lose, but over the course of their experience, they not only shed the pounds, but also gain a whole new family. I love that!!
I love the people, the stories, the passion and the lifestyle this company makes possible.
Related: Beachbody Coaching - Everything you need to know before jumping in.
What inspired you to join Team Beachbody and become a coach?
Two reasons! First, the entrepreneurial opportunity:
Entrepreneurship has always been something that’s close to my heart, and I’ve had several businesses in the past that never worked out, either because the cost of materials was too high or the slog was too hard. Beachbody makes earning an income simple (but not easy). There’s no huge start up costs (hello, less than $200!), no inventory to store and all your training is provided for you. I know tons of people who have started a business through Beachbody and expanded their empires into other domains - from hair bands to daily journals.
Beachbody Coaching Has Created New Friendships
As I mentioned before - the best part about being a part of this company is the people you meet. These are genuine, kind people who just have a heart to inspire and lead others. They're like-minded. I’ve always wanted to lead and coach, but I didn’t have the right framework or offering until I came across this company.
Coaching makes me accountable to myself
Look, if you want to be successful in this business, you need to get over your internal stuff and step into a leadership role. That's scary AF, but I simply wouldn't be where I am if I didn't have the accountability of a team of people, looking at me to walk my own talk. I love that this business is based on integrity and results rather than perfection and fluff. I am a better person because of the work I do with this company, hands down.
Related - Are you too old to be a Beachbody Coach?
What products do you personally use and recommend from Beachbody?
Beachbody has a TON of product offerings, but there’s are two that I tend to recommend more than others. It’s because they deliver what they promise. They will also improve your daily life so much - from bringing you more alertness and energy to creating a stronger, healthier body.
- Shakeology as I mentioned is amazing for those of you who aren’t preparing 5 to 7 servings of veggies a day for yourself. If you have zero time for this, you travel a ton or just don’t have the inclination to cook - get on Shakeology today and feel amazing right away. As I mentioned, there’s a 30 day money-back guarantee, so I have zero hesitation in recommending it because like all Beachbody products, if you don’t love it - you can send it right back.
- Energize is life! This is a pre-workout that will fire you up without freaking you out. If you’ve ever had a pre-workout that makes you feel all jittery, this will not happen with Energize. The ingredients are all natural, unlike most pre-workouts on the market which have weird dyes and artificial crap. I love this stuff because it makes my workouts SO much easier. If you struggle with bringing energy to your workouts, Try this. You won’t be disappointed.
What are your favorite Beachbody workouts?
Oh friend, there are so many! You can see a list of my favorite beachbody workouts right here, but I they've also just launched two more than I'm really loving. The first one is a revamp of 21 Day Fix and the other is their latest workout - Morning Meltdown. I'm about to start that one in July if you're interested in joining me!
If you’re interested in learning more about Beachbody, either as a fitness client or business partner, feel free to reach out to me with any questions that you have. I’m always open to an honest exchange and there’s never an expectation to move forward with something unless you’re 1000% ready to dive in. That’s how I came to this business and I never regret it.

Caren is a certified yoga teacher, fitness instructor and ADHD Coach. As the founder of The Fit Habit, she shares ADHD-friendly self-care, food & fitness inspiration, along with practical ways to foster mind + body wellness.
Just purchased Beachbody.
So many programs.
Lift4 looks interesting.
I am 55 year old male. Good health. My main objective is to lose weight and tone up in the process.
Do your recommend Lift 4. Looks interesting..
If not which other pro group?
Thank you!
Hi Kosta,
Lift4 is a great program and ideal for someone who wants to burn fat while building muscle. It's also an intermediate program, so not super hard or easy.
If you want something harder - try 6 weeks of the work. That program is no joke!