This post provides a glimpse into my experience with Beachbody Coaching. It covers a lot of ground, so you may want to skim for the areas that interest you most. If you're thinking about coaching - this might help you make the right choice for you.
Why I chose to get into Beachbody Coaching
Why I haven't quit Beachbody coaching.
Oh, I have quit - twice to be exact, but I'm still a coach today. I'm not going to sugar-coat my experience. It's been HARD! But over time, I've found that I love the experience of coaching more than I dislike the downsides, so I've settled into it for the long haul. I'll share more about why I think it's hard (as well as the good stuff), but the key reason I stick around is that:
- the people are really amazing and inspiring
- the culture is uplifting
- It keeps me motivated and accountable to my own health and fitness
- I've met some good friends along the way.
- Extra income
Do you get paid to Coach for Beachbody?
What does it cost to become a coach?
What are the benefits of coaching?
For me, it's coaching for Beachbody is about:
- community
- accountability
- personal growth
- ongoing support
- extra income
- flexibility & freedom
There's also a lot of incentives in the company, so the more you earn and grow, the more opportunity you have to go on trips and win fun prizes. Other folks are drawn to the recognition - big stage appearances and call outs on social media. Again, those are all intended to inspire success for people who want to reach that far.
Most coaches are happy making a couple of extra hundred dollars a month and having a group of people to connect with who support them with their goals. It all depends on what you're after and there's no right or wrong path.
There's also zero pressure to do anything with the business. I've gone through periods where I just let it coast and other times when I've really doubled down. It's entirely up to the business owner to drive it where they want to go.
Oh, one last thing - it's a completely flexible business. You do it on your time, where you want and surround yourself with the people you chose to work with. That's another thing I love about it.
Is it too late to get into coaching?
I was worried about this. Once you start following coaches on social media, you start believing everyone and their grandmother is a coach. But it's actually not true. I heard (this is not a documented fact, so don't quote me) that of the 365,000 coaches, only 21,000 are actively working the business.
What does that mean?
It means a lot of people sign up as coaches just for the 25% discount, so not everyone is your competition. Now, of that 21,000 active coaches, less than 500 are in leadership roles. Think about that. It's pretty lonely up there at the top, so if you're a go-getter, there's plenty of room to grow in this business.
The thing about this business is that it's a very low barrier to entry, so it's easy to sign up, but it's not easy to be successful. But it's also not impossible to be successful. Again, it all just comes down to the individual and how hard they're willing to work for success.
Things I don't love about coaching for Beachbody
Oh, there's plenty of those, too! For me, the biggest downside to this business is inviting. It's considered a vital behavior for all coaches - because it truly is the best way to grow your business. You're either inviting people to a fitness group or to join your team. I think this is where most people are triggered because it can be the most natural or completely creepy experience depending on how you approach it.
You've got to be willing to face rejection.
My friend described it well - it's like asking 100 people to dance and the first 99 say no. Ha!! That's how it feels some times, for sure!
I believe if you lead with that - you'll be fine. If you want a big business, however, you have to invite (a lot). If you want a business that grows slowly and organically, you can take a more passive approach. That's what I do.
In my mind, Beachbody offers a great solution to a massive problem. It's not just a weight-loss tool, it's a healthy lifestyle builder because community and habit-building are at its core. But it's not the only path to better health and it's not the right solution for everyone.
Should you Coach for Beachbody?
Only you can answer that question!
A helpful question to ask yourself is: Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone by putting myself on social media, reaching out to new connections, inviting people to fitness groups or join my team? This is hands down the hardest part of coaching, so if your answer to all of those questions are - heck ya! Then this is a no brainer for you.
However, if you're someone who is shy and introverted (as I can be), making a public appearance can be difficult! You might be surprised to know that many of the top coaches are introverts. Because the majority of this business is done online, you don't have to leave the comfort of your home (or pjs) to be successful. I think that appeals to a lot of quieter people.
Who Shouldn't Say Yes to Beachbody Coaching?
I think some folks come into the business for the wrong reasons - either to make a quick buck or be validated, heard or admired. But the reality is that this is just like any other business - it takes a long time to see momentum and it's never about you. It's about the people you serve.
The truth is - becoming a coach doesn't change your life, YOU change your own life by making better choices - no matter if it's Beachbody workout programs or something else. Beachbody just offers some really good tools and a business opportunity. The rest is what you make of it.
So if you're not in a place where you can pour time and energy into yourself and a new business, I would say it's probably not a good fit. Some people who are really busy but know they need to make a change do find the time and energy, but you really have to want it.
Can you become a Beachbody Coach just for the Discount?
Yes! A lot of people have no interest in coaching, but sign up just for the discount. If you're using Shakeology every month, that's a $30 savings, so it's worth it for sure.
How to become a Beachbody Coach
- Click here to buy the product bundle package and get your sign up fee waived (I can help you do this after purchase) or just sign up for $39.99 with no product.
- Wait for the confirmation email from Beachbody (it will come within minutes).
- Now you're officially a coach! This email will help you access your online office, give you your coach ID and help you get started.
- Once you're signed up, reach out to me and let me know that you signed up. I'll be your guide through this process and will help you get started and on your way!
Hope that answers your questions! If you have more questions, you are welcome to ask me. There is no sign up links in this post because I wanted it to be as neutral in my position as possible.
Want more info on coaching for Beachbody or the company in general?
I wrote all about my favorite Beachbody products and why I coach a while ago. If you're just interested in the workouts and you don't want to coach, I can also recommend the best Beachbody workouts for fat burning and also just my best home workout recommendations in general (including other at-home programs that aren't Beachbody).
Beachbody Nutrition Programs
Beachbody also has some amazing nutrition-only programs.
- My favorite is by far, the 2B Mindset program. I did this when it first came out and dropped about 5 pounds by just changing some habits and choices. No dieting, no measuring, no counting calories.
- There is also The Ultimate Fix, a portion-control program that's best for folks who are willing to go the extra mile to follow a meal plan to the letter. The results are more immediate in the short term, but most effort is also required to maintain the program.
If you want to become more familiar with the company before you get involved, just sign up for their free membership and see if it feels right to you.
Or, if you'd like to jump in and give it a whirl, just sign up below and I'll follow up with next steps.
Always here to help!
Caren is a certified yoga teacher, fitness instructor and ADHD Coach. As the founder of The Fit Habit, she shares ADHD-friendly self-care, food & fitness inspiration, along with practical ways to foster mind + body wellness.
Sue Catullo
Hi Caren, so funny how things work out. I am presently a coach. Have been since April. However, I haven’t done any “coaching”. I love this because it does keep you accountable and the groups seem amazing. I haven’t been in any challenge groups or anything like that. Just have observed from social media. I would like to ask you more questions if possible. I do have a coach but I am having issues getting a response. I am 58, not sure if that’s a deterrent or not. I don’t want to step on toes but I really need some more information. Is it possible for you to reach out to me?
Thank you, Sue
Hi Sue,
Congrats on being a coach, and yes - I agree, it does keep you accountable. Sorry that you're not hearing from your coach. Sometimes people leave the business and when that happens, their coach inherits you. You can look in your back office to see who your coach's coach is.
But that aside, there's a wealth of knowledge out there both on youtube and in the back office. You just need to get started! Being 58 is great! We need more examples of healthy living over 40!!! good luck!
Libby Herrera
What if you do not like your up line coach -what happens to all your clients and coaches ?
Hi Libby,
If you want to change coaches, you have to quit the business, wait 6 month, then rejoin with a new coach. In the process, you lose all your customers. The intention is to avoid coaches moving around so they can focus on their business. If you don't like your coach, then focus on building a team of people that you love!
if you quit, you lose them! Your coach would inherit them.